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  • Dear Stephanie... I got a Kitten! - 3

    Dear Stephanie… I got a Kitten!

    Dear Stephanie…. Today I got a kitten. Here is the new cat. Who’s name has not yet been picked. Holy crow you forget when you get a kitten exactly how much trouble a kitten is. You also forget how within minutes of them becoming your forever friend you love them to pieces. That is always […]

  • Dear Jon... This is what happened while you were gone. - 9

    Dear Jon… This is what happened while you were gone.

    So a little bit different this week… Both Stephanie and Amanda are together.. but Jon is adventuring. In typical style, the week descends into full chaos…. A Trip to Urgent Care It all started with urgent care with of all things, an infected hangnail. This is the eye roll moment. We are at urgent care […]

  • The Wheel of Time - 17

    The Wheel of Time

    I’ve finished Book 11 of Wheel of Time. I started these as a teenager and voraciously read each one as they came out. I never got passed this point because Robert Jordan died not long after I started having children. The books are long and dense. I become a terrible parent when I’m enthralled in […]

  • French Canadian Split Pea Soup Instant Pot - 21

    French Canadian Split Pea Soup Instant Pot

    French Canadian Split pea Soup Is an absolutely amazing winter (or any time) soup. It has a hearty taste to it that will really stick to your ribs and keep you warm and full in those hard winter climates. It is also super delicious. I usually make this soup after I make a Canadian Pork […]

  • chocolate pecan pie

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Dear Amanda, I know that tomorrow is Canadian Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving – here’s my chocolate pecan pie. I’m sorry you’re not here to have a bite of its ooey-gooey chocolatey-ness. I scrolled back through my photos and the most recent selfie of the two of us in my gallery was Halloween of 2019. It has […]

  • Canadian Fall

    Every day is the same…

    How many people feel like this currently? Every day is the same. The pandemic is currently “better” in Ontario, Canada but it still is here. Every day on the news it continues and every day tells us it might be back with a vengeance tomorrow. So each day I go through the motions. I try […]

  • atlanta bathrooms

    Adventures in the Atlanta Airport

    Dear Amanda, The very day that I received my second vaccine dose I booked a trip to visit my sister in Washington DC. I hadn’t seen her, or her baby son, since their road trip down here in December. As close as I am to my sister, it’s just been slaying me that I haven’t […]

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